12:25 pm
Aldrich 008

Sponsor Informational Lunch: Tlcom Capital

The sponsor informational lunch will include a company presentation and the opportunity to connect with some of the company's executives.

Sponsor Informational Lunch: Tlcom Capital

The sponsor informational lunch will include a company presentation and the opportunity to connect with some of the company's executives.

Feb 17, 2024 12:25 PM
Aldrich 008


No Speakers are assigned to this panel yet.

Other Sessions

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10:15 am
Batten Hives 301
Building a Venture in Africa
How to move from idea to venture
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Building a Venture in Africa

Venture building is a comprehensive and systematic approach to creating, developing, and scaling new businesses or startups. Our workshop is focused on sharing expert knowledge on building VC backable businesses on the African continent. We will showcase how we turn ideas into successful ventures by sharing our tips, tools, and methodologies. Our workshop will provide an overview of the fundamentals of venture building and also demonstrate one of our ideation techniques in action.

Feb 17, 2024 10:15 AM
Batten Hives 301
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 109
Mapping the Way Forward: African Businesses in a Globalized World
Can Africa leverage unique and innovative partnership models to claim its rightful seat at the global economic table?
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Mapping the Way Forward: African Businesses in a Globalized World

While the global economy thrives on interconnectedness, Africa's participation in both global production and trade remains a mere glimpse on the grand stage. This underrepresentation extends beyond the world arena, with intra-African trade lagging behind every other continent. In this era of strategic alliances driving trade flows and innovation, the crucial question emerges: can Africa leverage unique and innovative partnership models to claim its rightful seat at the global economic table?

Navigating strategic global alliances within the continent and beyond with China and the US will significantly impact the African business ecosystem. These alliances can give African businesses access to new markets, capital, technology, and expertise. They can also help African businesses to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. How should African businesses position to create jobs, boost trade, promote innovation, and build sustainable global businesses through these alliances?

Feb 17, 2024 3:45 PM
Aldrich 109
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 111
Unleashing AI's Potential in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives
Integrating AI tools within diverse African context
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Unleashing AI's Potential in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives

Africa stands at the precipice of a technological revolution, and artificial intelligence (AI) holds the key to unlocking unprecedented opportunities across the continent. From healthcare to agriculture, finance to education, the potential applications of AI are boundless. Yet, alongside this promise lie unique challenges that demand innovative solutions. Our expert panelists will explore the intricacies of integrating AI tools within diverse African contexts. We'll investigate how AI can drive economic growth, enhance social inclusivity, and revolutionize public services. From fostering local talent to navigating regulatory frameworks, we'll dissect the challenges and outline actionable strategies.

Feb 17, 2024 11:25 AM
Aldrich 111