Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 108
Ecosystem Development

Telecoms vs. Fintech Startups: The Race for Financial Innovation

In the realm of Africa's mobile money evolution spanning the last seventeen years, telecom companies initially took the lead, steering growth and diversification. Yet, the narrative is shifting with the rise of fintech startups, who are evolving beyond mobile money infrastructure to value-add services like credit, insurance, savings, and connectivity across global borders. This transition has left telecom companies struggling to keep pace, raising questions about the sustainability of their traditional business models. The pivotal query revolves around whether the market's tilt toward these incremental financial services will challenge the established order. Fintech startups, considered catalysts for this transformation, are nudging telecom companies to revamp their mobile money operations into more agile fintech entities.

Telecoms vs. Fintech Startups: The Race for Financial Innovation

In the realm of Africa's mobile money evolution spanning the last seventeen years, telecom companies initially took the lead, steering growth and diversification. Yet, the narrative is shifting with the rise of fintech startups, who are evolving beyond mobile money infrastructure to value-add services like credit, insurance, savings, and connectivity across global borders. This transition has left telecom companies struggling to keep pace, raising questions about the sustainability of their traditional business models. The pivotal query revolves around whether the market's tilt toward these incremental financial services will challenge the established order. Fintech startups, considered catalysts for this transformation, are nudging telecom companies to revamp their mobile money operations into more agile fintech entities.

Feb 17, 2024 10:15 AM
Aldrich 108

Other Sessions

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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 110
Leveraging Local Capital and Attracting Foreign Investment in an increasingly Complex World
Strategies for harnessing the power of local capital while attracting foreign investment
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Leveraging Local Capital and Attracting Foreign Investment in an increasingly Complex World

High interest rate, climate change, debt crisis and geopolitics - African economies are subjected to many complexities in raising capital. We will delve into the strategies for harnessing the power of local capital while attracting foreign investment in a world marked by shifting dynamics. Participants will gain insights into investor engagement, collaboration, regulatory support, and risk management. This session will provide a forward-looking perspective on how African economies can thrive amidst the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities of the complex global landscape. 

Feb 17, 2024 3:45 PM
Aldrich 110
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 111
Unleashing AI's Potential in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives
Integrating AI tools within diverse African context
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Unleashing AI's Potential in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives

Africa stands at the precipice of a technological revolution, and artificial intelligence (AI) holds the key to unlocking unprecedented opportunities across the continent. From healthcare to agriculture, finance to education, the potential applications of AI are boundless. Yet, alongside this promise lie unique challenges that demand innovative solutions. Our expert panelists will explore the intricacies of integrating AI tools within diverse African contexts. We'll investigate how AI can drive economic growth, enhance social inclusivity, and revolutionize public services. From fostering local talent to navigating regulatory frameworks, we'll dissect the challenges and outline actionable strategies.

Feb 17, 2024 11:25 AM
Aldrich 111
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12:25 pm
Aldrich 011
Sponsor Informational Lunch: TGI Group
Sponsor Informational Lunch
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Sponsor Informational Lunch: TGI Group

The sponsor informational lunch will include a company presentation and the opportunity to connect with some of the company's executives.‍

Feb 17, 2024 12:25 PM
Aldrich 011