9:00 am
Meredith Room, Spangler Hall


The inaugural showcase will spotlight artisanal talent from across the continent via art, fashion, and cultural artifacts. Join us to engage with our phenomenal partner brands and celebrate the rich tapestry of African creativity.


The inaugural showcase will spotlight artisanal talent from across the continent via art, fashion, and cultural artifacts. Join us to engage with our phenomenal partner brands and celebrate the rich tapestry of African creativity.

Feb 17, 2024 9:00 AM
Meredith Room, Spangler Hall


No Speakers are assigned to this panel yet.

Other Sessions

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5:00 pm
Klarman Hall
Redefining the African Narrative
Cultural narratives and the interplay between social development and economic progress in African countries
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Redefining the African Narrative

This session is dedicated to exploring the intricate social fabric of African nations and their influence on the global stage. We'll delve into topics such as innovation, cultural influence, economic development, and the challenges and opportunities faced by African countries in today's interconnected world and explore subjects like gender equality, cultural narratives, and the interplay between social development and economic progress in African countries. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights from one of the most articulate voices on African development and global competitiveness.

Feb 17, 2024 5:00 PM
Klarman Hall
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 108
Growing Africa's SME sector through enterpreneurship through acquisition (ETA)
Unlocking value, attracting talent, and accelerating the growth and development of SMEs in Africa through ETA
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Growing Africa's SME sector through enterpreneurship through acquisition (ETA)

Although Entrepreneurship through Acquisition (ETA)— where entrepreneurs search for and acquire stable, cash-flow positive businesses to grow them over time—is growing in popularity across North America, few “search funds” have been established in Africa. Indeed, there has been limited data to support the case for investing in African search funds and the benefits of this novel asset class. 

Still, ETA remains uniquely positioned to unlock value, attract talent, and accelerate the growth and development of SMEs—particularly family businesses—across the continent. This panel will focus on three key questions: 

(1) Is Africa ripe for the growth of search funds? 

(2) How can the traditional search fund model be adapted to work in/for the African context? 

(3) What other models can we leverage to see more African ETAs? 

(4) Share some success stories and what we can learn from them.

Feb 17, 2024 11:25 AM
Aldrich 108
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 108
The Future of Commercial Food and Agribusiness
How are African food and agribusinesses preparing to remain globally competitive amidst climate change, food inflation, and other risks?
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The Future of Commercial Food and Agribusiness

Africa's historical yields will no longer be competitive in many crops resulting in high importation bills governments can't afford, increased food inflation, and exacerbated poverty and food insecurity. One root issue in many cases is the inefficiencies inherent in small scale farming. Climate change will further compound these production risks. How are African food and agribusinesses preparing to remain globally competitive? How are firms successfully serving domestic markets in light of increasing currency risk and opportunity cost of focusing on exports?

Feb 17, 2024 3:45 PM
Aldrich 108