12:25 pm
Batten Hives 304

Thematic Lunch: Travel & Tourism

Connect with folks that are interested in travel and tourism in Africa over lunch.

Thematic Lunch: Travel & Tourism

Connect with folks that are interested in travel and tourism in Africa over lunch.

Feb 17, 2024 12:25 PM
Batten Hives 304


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Other Sessions

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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 110
Leveraging Local Capital and Attracting Foreign Investment in an increasingly Complex World
Strategies for harnessing the power of local capital while attracting foreign investment
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Leveraging Local Capital and Attracting Foreign Investment in an increasingly Complex World

High interest rate, climate change, debt crisis and geopolitics - African economies are subjected to many complexities in raising capital. We will delve into the strategies for harnessing the power of local capital while attracting foreign investment in a world marked by shifting dynamics. Participants will gain insights into investor engagement, collaboration, regulatory support, and risk management. This session will provide a forward-looking perspective on how African economies can thrive amidst the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities of the complex global landscape. 

Feb 17, 2024 3:45 PM
Aldrich 110
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11:25 am
Batten Hives 301
To Move or Not to Move by Movemeback
Practical insights to help you make the decision on whether to move back to Africa
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To Move or Not to Move by Movemeback

Africa’s in-vogue right now, right? So why are so many people leaving? Are people actually moving back? Isn’t the party over? Join Movemeback for the “To move or not to move” workshop as they share everything you need to know about the realities of “moving back”.With a community approaching 100,000 in 170 countries and activities across almost all African countries the Movemeback Team will bring together a decade of learnings and real perspectives from real people. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, business executive, investor or homemaker, you’ll hear from those who have made the move and made it work; others who have gone and returned and those who have found a way to do it all from afar. The team will also share deep insights, case studies and frameworks for success, and provide you with a platform to ask anything you’ve ever wanted to about engaging with the Continent. Movemeback is a platform, a community, a culture, and a movement launched almost ten years ago, with a mission to enable the brightest and most resourceful minds across theworld to fulfil their purpose and work on building the future in Africa, without forgoing theirpersonal aspirations and dreams. In spite of a few bumpy years, the movement is still alive,the opportunity greater and more touchable than ever and yet there is plenty still to be done,including many first remaining to be written.China can see it, Russia can see it, as can Europe and the Middle East; even ChatGPT isbriefed - but how about you? Join us to learn, contribute and start a journey of figuring out orrefreshing your own place in the movement.

Feb 17, 2024 11:25 AM
Batten Hives 301
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 109
Empowering Africa's Pharma Revolution
A discussion on the critical issue of pharmaceutical production on the continent
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Empowering Africa's Pharma Revolution

African nations are on the precipice of momentous changes in the healthcare landscape. Challenges in infectious disease still ravage major segments of the continent while chronic illnesses are emerging as the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. The push for changes, however, has often led to the adoption of partial solutions while the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the most difficult problems remain unresolved. In this session, we are convening an elite group of professionals, ranging from drug manufacturers, regulators, entrepreneurs, and astute investors to discuss the critical issue of pharmaceutical production on the continent. This session is meticulously designed for decision-makers and innovators seeking to capture tremendous opportunity and make a tangible impact in the healthcare sector. 

Feb 17, 2024 10:15 AM
Aldrich 109