Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 110

Leveraging Local Capital and Attracting Foreign Investment in an increasingly Complex World

High interest rate, climate change, debt crisis and geopolitics - African economies are subjected to many complexities in raising capital. We will delve into the strategies for harnessing the power of local capital while attracting foreign investment in a world marked by shifting dynamics. Participants will gain insights into investor engagement, collaboration, regulatory support, and risk management. This session will provide a forward-looking perspective on how African economies can thrive amidst the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities of the complex global landscape. 

Leveraging Local Capital and Attracting Foreign Investment in an increasingly Complex World

High interest rate, climate change, debt crisis and geopolitics - African economies are subjected to many complexities in raising capital. We will delve into the strategies for harnessing the power of local capital while attracting foreign investment in a world marked by shifting dynamics. Participants will gain insights into investor engagement, collaboration, regulatory support, and risk management. This session will provide a forward-looking perspective on how African economies can thrive amidst the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities of the complex global landscape. 

Feb 17, 2024 3:45 PM
Aldrich 110

Other Sessions

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2:00 pm
Klarman Hall
Special Address from Patrick Achi
Special remarks from former Prime Minister of Cote d'Ivoire
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Special Address from Patrick Achi

The former Prime Minister will give special remarks on accelerating economic growth and sustainable development in Africa.

Feb 17, 2024 2:00 PM
Klarman Hall
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12:25 pm
Batten Hives 302
Special: TV Show (Shaka Ilembe Screening and Q&A with Nomzamo Mbatho
Screening of TV Show Shaka iLembe followed by Q&A with Executive Producer
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Special: TV Show (Shaka Ilembe Screening and Q&A with Nomzamo Mbatho

A special screening of snipptets from Shaka iLembe followed by Q&A with Nomzamo Mbatho, the Executive Producer, will explore deeper themes of global participation in telling authentic African narratives from the subjective gaze of the custodians. 

Feb 17, 2024 12:25 PM
Batten Hives 302
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4:50 pm
Klarman Hall
One Africa, One Market - Repositioning Africa as the Largest Free Trade Area
Leverage the AfCFTA to enhance African global competitiveness and compete in the new global era
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One Africa, One Market - Repositioning Africa as the Largest Free Trade Area

According to the World Bank, The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is poised to make Africa the largest trade area/zone in terms of market size, creating a market of 1.3 billion people across 55 countries and a combined GDP of approx. $3.4 Trillion. Many have posited it as a game change-changer with the potential to transform African economies and significantly raise Africa’s share of global trade and investment flows and shift the direction and composition of FDI to Africa, positioning the region as an increasingly dynamic force in the international arena. How can Africa leverage the AfCFTA to enhance its global competitiveness and compete in the new global era?

Come hear industry stalwarts take center stage to unravel the intricacies of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). Against the backdrop of this historic agreement, the keynote will explore strategic visions, challenges, and opportunities presented by the AfCFTA as well as delve into the private sector's role in innovation, infrastructure development, and the imperative of collaborative efforts in repositioning Africa on the global economic stage.

Feb 16, 2024 4:50 PM
Klarman Hall